I know a lot of you have asked and would like to know when you will be getting your products from our latest Freetown En Blanc Collection. Here is some information below. Hopefully this helps answer your questions. If you have any further questions that have not been addressed here please email us at:
Freetown En Blanc Timeline:
- Pre-order ends March 6th
- All orders head straight to production and will be available for shipping with 10-14 days.
Here are the estimated times of when customer in the different regions can expect to receive their orders.
- Estimated shipping of orders in the United States : March 25th – March 27th
- Estimated shipping of orders in the United Kingdom and other European Nations:
March 26th -March 28th
- Estimated shipping of order in Sierra Leone: April 1st – April 3rd

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We appreciate your business and support in helping our brand reach further and affects the lives of those in need.